only available in app.
Muscle Building
12 weeks
72 workouts of 90 mins
Approx 710 calories burned per workout
This is for the people that can commit to more time in the gym, the people that have been working out for a couple of years and want to step their game up. This program can be used for both cutting and lean bulking depending on how you eat and how much cardio you add to it. This 12-week program has you training 6 times a week and will require a 5-day break at the end of the program if you wish to restart it all again.Goal Recommendations: For cutting start with cardio twice per week for the first week, then move up to three times a week for the fourth and fifth week. For the final few weeks look to be doing cardio 5 times a week.For lean bulking stick to doing cardio once or twice a week but no more.